-The nucleus is often the largest organelle in a cell. It contains information a cell needs to function. Some of the information is translated by ribosomes, tiny structures located in the cytoplasm and the endoplasmic reticulum. ribosomes use the information to build important molecules called proteins.
-Ribosomes are organelles that are located in the cytoplasm of a cell and are used to produce enyzmes and proteins.
-The first step in protein production is the transcription of DNA to mRNA in the nucleus. The next organelles involved are ribosomes. If the protein is not destined to the cell membrane the mRNA is translated on a cytoplasmic free-floating ribosome. Correctly folded and assembled proteins in the ER are packaged into COPII-coated transport vesicles that pinch off from the ER membrane.
Muscle contraction occurs when the brain tells the body to move. The brain ... Muscle cramps are primarily caused by a lack of ATP in the body. ... The function of potassium inside the muscle cell is to repolarize the membrane.