If they have a low self esteem it could make the mood bad and spread to the other person eventually, it can also lead to depression and high self esteem brings positive vibes to everyone, but you don't want too much of it or you could seem stuck-up, if someone tries complementing your dress don't go oh well I'm too fat in it, or yeah it looks so good on me, no one else it would look good on. Just say thanks! And give yourself complements if your feeling down :)
A. By providing vaccination education
Cliques are part of a larger social network.
According to social sciences, a clique is a group of people that interact one another and have similar interests.
This social phenomenon is most seen during adolescence, because each age tend to represent a social group, a clique. In addition, cliques are often formed by similar social status, or ethnicity, or by stereotypical characteristics, as being athletes, nerds or outsiders.
So, all those characteristics make cliques part of a larger social network. Mainly because these groups are formed inside a complex social system, bigger and away from simplicity and interacting with cliques is part of the social development.
Autism is a scale and many individuals with autism are fully capable of functioning in a regular classroom setting. While some may be unable to function in a normal classroom setting, others may not. I do agree with this setup, as long as the individual is able to handle being in this setting.