you could learn to live happier,healthier understand the human mind a lot better and how it works you could be saving your life and saving others from sadness if you do have sucidial thoughts if you get mental help it could make you understand why thou have your thoughts and how to train them
There are many benefits that may result from using mental help services. For one, you learn to recognize and understand your problems and where they came from, why you are feeling a certain type of a way and those triggers that start it. You could heal emotionally and physically. Physically because mental health can do a damage to your body.. Such as starving yourself, not taking care of your needs, not showering, and not performing hygienic tasks. Another benefit would be you become happier and potentially could live a longer fuller and better life. You would become mentally at ease with yourself. And could potentially be a good listener with others who have dealt with the same issues.
Totally incorrect. Some pathogens and microorganisms that is blood-borne can transfer itself from one individual to another by blood and fluid contact. This is a much stronger affinity for the pathogen to spread from the host to the person transferred to.