Answer: A. An organization of workers that fought for an eight-hour workday
The Knights of Labor started as <em>a secret organization</em>, which was founded in the 19th century by a small group of tailors from Philadelphia. The organization promoted the rights of workers and its main concern was labor and laborers' rights and position in society.
This organization grew in size throughout the years, reaching 800.000 members in 1886. It operated in the United States and Canada mainly, but it also had representatives in Australia and Great Britain. From a secret organization, it gradually turned into a laborers' union.
The Knights of Labor fought for an 8 hour workday and ending child and convinct labor.
The Europeans brought technologies, ideas, plants, and animals that were new to America and would transform people's lives: guns, iron tools, and weapons; Christianity and Roman law; sugarcane and wheat; horses and cattle. They also carried diseases against which the Indian peoples had no defenses.
Sir Joseph Swan invented the first i<span>ncandescent light bulb. and it was in England </span>