Answer: Punnett Square
A punnett square is used to display the possible outcomes of a genetic cross. The parents' alleles are written across the top and the side, and the possible genotypes are written in the boxes (see image).
Analogous structures
Analogous structures are similar structures that evolved independently in two living organisms to serve the same purpose.
Analogous structures are examples of convergent evolution, where two organisms separately have to solve the same evolutionary problem – such as staying hidden, flying, swimming, or conserving water – in similar ways. The result is similar body structures that developed independently.
In the case of analogous structures, the structures are not the same, and were not inherited from the same ancestor. But they look similar and serve a similar purpose.
For example, the wings of an insect, bird, and bat would all be analogous structures: they all evolved to allow flight, but they did not evolve at the same time, since insects, birds, and mammals all evolved the ability to fly at different times.
In the genetic code, a stop codon (or termination codon) is a nucleotide triplet within messenger RNA that signals a termination of translation into protein
Proteins are based on polypeptides, which are unique sequences of amino acids. Most codons in messenger RNA (from DNA) correspond to the addition of an amino acid to a growing polypeptide chain, which may ultimately become a protein. Stop codons signal the termination of this process by binding release factors, which cause the ribosomal subunits to disassociate, releasing the amino acid chain. While start codons need nearby sequences or initiation factors to start translation, a stop codon alone is sufficient to initiate termination.
Answer: Carbon dioxide and also bring in more oxygen for supporting the aerobic metabolism
The aerobic metabolism is one of the type of process in which the body basically helps in creating the energy in our body by the process of combustion of the fats and carbohydrates in the oxygen presence.
According to the given scenario, when we doing exercise the breath become more faster and at that specific time it is very important to expel the carbon dioxide and then inhale more oxygen for supporting the aerobic metabolism in the our body system.
Therefore, The given answer is correct.
Natural Selection is an evolutionary process that caused the increment of dark-coloured Biston betularia moths in England. It happened due to increase of air pollution in the industries. The bark of the trees became darker because of the deposition of pollutants.
In order to save itself from predators, the species of Biston betularia evolved itself to a dark coloured species so that the predators gets confused between the bark of the tree and the Biston betularia.