An example of a 3rd class lever is a pair of tweezers!
The influx of calcium ions.
The influx of calcium ions at a certain point produces phase of the action potential also called depolarization which results in the ion movement changes the membrane potential from negative to positive inside the cell.
In action potential, calcium ions may control gene transcription, cell excitability, and neurotransmitter release. In chemical synapses, the influx of calcium ions leads to vesicles filled with neurotransmitters move to the surface of the cell, and into the synaptic cleft release their contents.
If there’s a all above answer on it it’s all of them
The child have the risk of having MITRAL VALVE STENOSIS. It is also referred to as mitral stenosis.
Mitral valve stenosis occurs as results of the mitral valve opening narrowing. Which effect to less blood flowing through it.
The mitral valve is located between two chambers (the atrium and the ventricle) on the left side of your heart.
However, Mitral valve stenosis can lead to different health issues, including blood clots, difficulty breathing, fatigue, and heart failure.
Mitral valve stenosis is specifically caused by rheumatic fever (a childhood disease). This rheumatic fever occurs has a result of the body's immune response to an infection associated with the streptococcal bacteria.
Acute rheumatic fever affects the joints and the heart greatly. It causes joints inflammation temporarily and in severe case causes chronic disability.
Nevertheless, this cardiac complication have treatment and it is based on whether the affected individuals shows symptoms. Medications like blood thinners or anticoagulants (to reduce the risk of blood clots), diuretics, antiarrhythmics (to cure abnormal heart rhythms), beta-blockers (to slow your heart) etc, are being administered based on the level of the complication.