You can get complete answer in attached document.please have a look.
(2) Without rolloff, as given fc =1kHz Let us assume it is a first order RC filter ats transfer function is H(s)-RC RC withou
Then the transfer function becom
and step response is flat zero for without rolloff..
<span>On the computer there are always issues. For a developer to sit all day in front of a google that always invents things and the flashy images that disrupt everything. Googling on facebook is also an issue. Youtube, everything that contain flashy image is quite disruptive. If you think about content, maybe googling is less inventive. In a way it's nicer to buy applications but if you finally think of building it, there are always nicer ways of spending time. I prefer to go to seaside when I can.</span>
A: Affects the sequential flow of control by executing different statements based on the value of a Boolean expression
because the real definition is Definition. A conditional statement is a statement that can be written in the form “If P then Q,” where P and Q are sentences. For this conditional statement, P is called the hypothesis and Q is called the conclusion. Intuitively, “If P then Q” means that Q must be true whenever P is true. And A, explain that.
2. A data modelling project using a packaged data model REQUIRES A GREATER SKILL than a project not using a packaged data model.
1a. Review of universal models:
A data model is an abstract model that organizes elements of data and standardizes how they relate to one another and to the properties of real world entities. It has become the standard approach used towards designing databases.
A universal data model is a template data model that can be reused as a starting point or a building block to jump-start development of a data modelling project, industry specific model, logical data models.
1b. Discuss how these are being used more widely today.
*Universal data models helps professional reduce development time, improve consistency and standardization while achieving high quality models.
*Higher quality: just as architects consider blue prints before constructing a building, one should also consider data before building an app. A data model helps define the problem, enabling one to consider different approaches and choose best ones.
*By properly modelling and organization's data, the database designer can eliminate data redundancies (needless repetitions) which are a key source for inaccurate information and ineffective systems.
2. Greater and advanced skills are adequate and required when data modelling project is done using packaged data model while fewer skills are required when data modelling is done without packaged data model.
<span>The correct answer is higher for both blank spaces.
We all know the famous saying: "No risk, no reward". What is true is the higher your risk you also have a higher degree of reaping a higher rewards. But the opposite is also true, the more you risk the more you stand to lose. In stockbroker business this is best exemplified, as you can se brokers trying to predict the stock market in order to make greater profits. Gambling is also the good example of this. </span>