Podemos distinguir si algo es bueno o malo moralment basandonos en nuestros actos y las consequencias de ellos. Algo sera bueno cuando este de acuerdo con dichas normas, y malo cuando este en desacuerdo.
There is a pronounced dualism in West Africa.
Dualism is the <em>conceptual separation of 2 premises, ideas</em>, etc. which tend to be opposite points of view.
In this case we can see the dualism in West Africa;
- An <em>"official" legal system</em> which is inherited from the former colonial masters.
- An <em>"unofficial" system</em> which operates beneath the surface.
Both systems, as we can see, are <em>opposed ideologies</em> showing the <em>dualism and separation</em> in West Africa's legal systems.
Track astronomical movements.
It should be B, but I’m not too educated on Egypt’s history