From the question we are informed about James who asks his father for money to buy tickets to the final world cup tournament. His father asks him why he plans to attend the world cupfinal in the stadium when he can watch it on the television. James replies that the adrenalin rush he gets with the 100,000 live audience in the stadium cannot be replicated if he watches it on tv at home. His father laughs and gives him the money, telling him to have a great time! In this scenario, James's father displays Permissive-indulgent of parenting style.
Permissive indulgent parenting can be regarded as a Parenting style whereby relatively few demands is been made by parents on their children. This is as result of the reason that these parents have low expectations in terms of for self-control as well as maturity. And in this case, discipline is considered a rarity
it is B because it is painting
in this case let me tell u something,Genocide is taking place in Tigray region of Ethiopia
Racist IDs u will be ostracized by the community u don't speak ur language Now the unthinkable Genocide is taking place in Ethiopia,Tigray region in the21st century the genocide started on November 4 me for more information and pls tweet abt #TigrayGenocid let's voice for the voiceless people of tigray pls
Well there are many speeches and media its come down to one of these because these are usually the most odten used technques to get into the office.Explanation: