All STDs have readily visible symptoms that are easy to detect.
Vertical allows people to nod, horizontal allows people to twirl
The vestibular system, which is key to our senses of balance, motion, and body position, is comprised of three semicircular canals connected to two membranous sacs called the saccule and utricle. The saccule and utricle are often referred to as the otolith organs. The otolith organs allow us to sense the direction and speed of linear acceleration and the position (tilt) of the head. The semicircular canals allow us to sense the direction and speed of angular acceleration. The semicircular canals are oriented along three planes of movement with each plane at right angles to the other two. Pilots and astronauts call these three planes of rotation pitch (<u>up and down; nod your head "yes")</u>, roll <u>(tumbling left or right; move your head from your left to your right shoulder or vice versa)</u>, and yaw (<u>lateral movement left and right; shake your head "no").</u>
I think. I'm so sorry if I'm wrong! I hope this helped.
Haemophilus influenzae is the virus responsible for the causing influenza. Since it cause <span>severe inflammation of the airways, death of the epithelial cells, and excess secretion of mucus, it would most likely show an obstructive disease pattern.
Obstructive Lung diseases are characterized by i</span><span>nflammation and swelling narrow the airways as well as excess mucus lodged in the airways.
</span>The following values are indicative for a patient with obstructive lung disease:
FEV1 stands for Forced expiratory volume and FVC for f<span>orced vital capacity
• FEV₁/FVC ratio < 0.7 (or 70%)
• FEV₁ < 80% predicted
• FEF 25-75% < 60%predicted.