weight = float(input("Enter your weight in pounds: "))
height = float(input("Enter your height in inches: "))
weight = weight * 0.45359237
height = height * 0.0254
bmi = weight / (height * height)
print("Your BMI is: %.4f" % bmi)
*The code is written in Python.
Ask the user to enter weight in pounds and height in inches
Convert the weight into kilograms and height into meters using given conversion rates
Calculate the BMI using given formula
Print the BMI
Define variables
left is l
right is r
Ask input
left or right
Ask input value
Equate l or r to the input value
Show ladder with steps equal to input value and in the side of input variable
Following are the Semaphores:
Customers: Counts waiting customers;
Barbers: Number of idle barbers (0 or 1)
mutex: Used for mutual exclusion.
Cutting: Ensures that the barber won’t cut another customer’s hair before the previous customer leaves
Shared data variable:
count_cust: Counts waiting customers. ------------copy of customers. As value of semaphores can’t access directly.
// shared data
semaphore customers = 0; semaphore barbers = 0; semaphore cutting = 0; semaphore mutex = 1;
int count_cust= 0;
void barber() {
while(true) { //shop is always open
wait(customers); //sleep when there are no waiting customers
wait(mutex); //mutex for accessing customers1
count_cust= count_cust-1; //customer left
void customer() {
wait(mutex); //mutex for accessing count_cust
if (count_cust< n) {
count_cust= count_cust+1; //new customer
signal(customers); signal(mutex);
wait(barbers); //wait for available barbers get_haircut();
else { //do nothing (leave) when all chairs are used. signal(mutex);
cut_hair(){ waiting(cutting);
get hair cut for some time; signal(cutting);
Answer:that creates the array, puts some values in it, and displays the values. ... assign a value to each array element and print for (int i = 0; i < anArray.length; i++) ... Array; Array Initializers; Accessing an Array Element; Getting the Size of an Array ... not create an array and does not allocate any memory to contain array elements.