The term "phenotype" refers to the observable physical properties of an organism; these include the organism's appearance, development, and behavior. An organism's phenotype is determined by its genotype, which is the set of genes the organism carries, as well as by environmental influences upon these genes.
The physical appearance of an organism as distinguished from its genetic makeup.
Answer: 50% Tt, 25% short, 75% tall
Explanation: Tt x Tt —> TT tt Tt tT possible
proportions by genotype TT 25% Tt 50% tt 25%
T dominant so
proportions by phenotype tall (TT, Tt) 75% short (tt) 25%
Anthocyanin is not produced in the plant cells
Anthocyanin is not produced in plant cells with the genotype mm.
As you can see from the question above, anthocyanin is responsible for the purple color of the flowers. Anthocyanin is encoded by the M gene, which is a dominant gene. Because it is a dominant gene, we know that it will be expressed in plants with the Mm and MM genotype, but will not be encoded by plants with the mm genotype. With this we can conclude that plants that have the mm genotype do not have purple color, because anthocyanin is not produced in the plant cells of these plants, since they do not have the M gene.