The independent assortment of chromosomes is a result of the independent division of chromosomes into separate gametes. Then, crossing over takes place where genes on each chromosome are rearranged. The Law of Independent Assortment discusses the random genetic inheritance from both parents.
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The oncogenesis process is caused by these mutations in the genetic material of normal cells, which alter the normal balance between proliferation and cell death. As a result there is an uncontrolled cell division and an evolutionary process of these cells through natural selection within the organism. Rapid and uncontrolled reproduction of cells can produce benign tumors and some types of these tumors can become malignant, which is what is known as cancer. Benign tumors do not spread to distant parts of the body or invade other tissues, and usually do not pose a threat to life unless they compress vital structures or have some physiological activity (for example, that they are capable of producing a hormone) . Malignant tumors are able to invade other organs, spread to distant places (a process known as metastasis) and become a threat to life.
When alzheimer disease sets in early and impacts those under age 60, the final phase of the disease or death typically occurs around 3 to 5 years after the first signs of the disease appear. Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia, which is represents the memory loss and other cognitive abilities serious enough to interfere with normal life. Alzheimer accounts for about 60 to 80 percent of dementia cases.
Fossils can show structural similarities and differences in organisms over time revealing the vast diversity of life forms that have and continue to exist on Earth.
Comparisons between living organisms and fossils also allow scientists to make inferences about the lines of descent.