Jet streams-Are fast flowing, narrow air currents found in the atmospheres of some planets, including earth.
Global wind belts-Are formed by 2 main factors which is the unequal heating of the earth by sunlight and the earths spin.
Emulsifier generally reduces the surface tension of the lipid there by helping in the digestion of the lipid molecules.
Bile that is secreted from liver act as emulsifier because the bile helps in the break down of lipid into small molecules to form micelle thereby reducing the surface tension of the lipid molecules.
Due the formation of micelle the broken down lipid molecules binds to the active site of the lipase enzyme and get digested to form fatty acid and glycerol.
Beside digestion Emulsifier Bile also helps in the absoption of lipid from the small intestine.
With shorter necks, giraffe ancestors could not reach food-containing branches on tall trees. This resulted in the directional selection of giraffes with longer necks.
Why is choosing a direction necessary? </h3>
It nearly appears obvious that the giraffe's long neck developed as a result of a lack of food in the lower branches of trees. The giraffe has a significant advantage because it is taller than any other mammal and can feed where few others can.
When compared to modern giraffes, the giraffe's ancient predecessors had a shorter neck. The plants that were lying at a higher level were inaccessible to them. Giraffe phenotypes have changed in various ways, and now have long necks to reach vegetation that is higher up. The extreme form is chosen above other features in directional selection. It was decided to choose the long-necked giraffe over the short-necked.
To know more about direction selection for longer necked giraffes visit: