Chromosome mutations often occur due to an error in pairing during the crossing over stage of meiosis. The main types of chromosome mutation include translocation, duplication, deletion, and inversion. Compare point mutation. See also mutation
The right atrioventricular valve (tricuspid) regulates the opening between the <u>right atrium</u> and the <u>right ventricle</u>.
Valves are gates that allow the connection between atria and ventricles. The two valves located on the right side (tricuspid and pulmonary) direct the incoming blood from the body to the lung, where it is oxygenated; from there it returns to the left atrium, to later pass through the mitral and aortic valves. The left atrium connects to the left ventricle through the mitral valve and the right atrium connects to the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve.
There are two ways that can be used to name isotopes of an element. This is best illustrated by examples. We'll use the element chlorine for simplicity.
The first example is the more common one. The formula for this notation is E-m where E is the name of the element and m is the mass number.
(1) Chlorine-35
(2) Chlorine-37
(3) Chlorine 38
Another is less commonly used. The formula for this notation is m^ a L where m is the mass number, a is the atomic number and L is the first letter of the element.
(1) 35^ 35 Cl
(2) 37^ 35 Cl
(3) 38^ 35 Cl
Coal can disrupt life and air. Coal is a non reusable resource and it can make life harder. Coal can heat homes and power trains.