I believe it is oxygen and carbon dioxide
The energy pyramid describes decomposers compared to energy lost as heat. Primary producers start at 100% and it decreases to 10% at primary consumers, 1% at secondary, .1% at third level, and .01% at apex.
The biomass pyramid describes the total mass of an organism and as a biomass moves up, the overall mass is losing volume. This means it decreases as it moves from the bottom to the top.
The answer is C) They appear to be the molecular carriers of coded hereditary information.
Why NOT C) They appear to be the molecular carriers of coded hereditary information?
This is the job of the nucleic acids. It is composed of nucleotides which are the basic units of DNA and RNA. They carry genetic information about a certain organism.
<h3 /><h3>True of proteins:</h3>
A) They may be denatured or coagulated by heat or acidity.
<u>Denaturation</u> is the <u>destruction of the protein's secondary and/or tertiary structures</u>. The <u>primary structure is not disrupted due to the tough peptide bonds</u> and can only be broken down by acid. For heat denaturation, hydrogen bonds are destroyed, as in cooking of egg whites and medical equipment sterilization.
B) They have both functional and structural roles in the body.
There are many kinds of proteins that have functional and structural roles like hormones <u>(FSH, LH)</u>, antibodies <u>(IgA, IgM),</u> enzymes <u>(lipase, amylase),</u> for storage/transport <u>(hemoglobin, ferritin)</u>, and locomotion <u>(actin, troponin).</u>
D) Their function depends on their three-dimensional shape.
Just like <u>hemoglobin</u>, it's <u>quaternary structure</u> can carry <u>4 molecules of iron</u> in one go. <u>Enzymes</u> are shaped accordingly to fit a<u> specific substrate</u> <em>(lock-and-key model)</em>
Cancer is a disease of uncontrolled cellular growth. Your body has many mechanisms in place to prevent a cell from dividing uncontrollably. But when the DNA of a cell is mutated, the proteins that govern cell cycle activity can be changed, and a cell may be able to circumvent the body's mechanisms
Calcium is few of the main sources for healthy bones, teeth, and muscles.