Convert 3 6/2 to an improper fraction so: 12/2
convert 2 4/5 to 14/5
multiply the numerators of the improper fractions so 12*14, which is 168.
multiple the denominators so 2*5, which is 10.
the new fraction is 168/10, so you divide 168 divided by 10, which is 16.8, or 16 4/5.
so then P could be any number greater then or equal to 200,hope this helps,please vote me brainliest
A. c = 4
In algebra, what you do to one side of the equation, the same has to be done on the other side.
32c = 128
divide both sides by 32
32c = 128.
32c ÷ 32 = 128 ÷ 32
c = 128/32
= 4
Equal out the shirts so that u can know what U are doing