Beacuse people during that time . Suffered from anxiety different chemical gases. harmful effect due to the lack of trained. And similarly the environment was also damaged which caused various effect
San bernardino county, california is the largest county in america
Darnel’s way of thinking, i.e. “Everyone is always angry at me for doing something!", is a:
“Pessimistic explanatory style”.
Explanatory style is a characteristic of a person which shows how they introspect and explain to themselves how and why certain circumstances keep recurring in their lives.
The thought process of Darnel depicts that he is taking things personally, believing that people get angry at him due to his actions.
This kind of explanatory style, people tend to think that it is their fault that things are happening in a certain way and that it happens all the time, hence it is kind of global in their lives.
Thus showing a pessimistic explanatory style
The military takeover the Myanmar government in 1962 had very bad effects on the country as whole and its development. The rule of the military made multiple problems that made the country stagnate and be left behind by most of the countries in the region. The conflicts inside between different ethnic groups became more violent and brutal. The military had the power and the country was under a dictatorship. The than bad economy just got even worse, which caused even bigger poverty and bad living conditions for the people in this Southeast Asian country.