He (thomas edidson) obtained patents in such fields as telegraphy, phonography, electric
lighting and photography. In 1882, he designed the first hydroelectric
plant in Appleton, Wisconsin. In 1879, he and Sir Joseph Wilson Swan (in
England) simultaneously invented similar carbon filament incandescent
light bulbs. Edison improved upon Swan's design and by the end of 1880
had produced a 16-watt light bulb that would last for 1500 hours.
As lineages invade different niches and become isolated from one another, they split, regenerating some of the diversity that was wiped out by the mass extinction. The upshot of all these processes is that mass extinctions tend to be followed by periods of rapid diversification and adaptive radiation
The most likely answer is that there is more food in salmon A location
Hope this helps!
Also know as the <u>skeletal</u> nervous system. The part of the <u>peripheral</u> nervous system that controls the glands and the muscles of the internal organs (such as the heart).
According to the repost made by US Surgeon General
released in 2014, a total of 7,787,000 people died from smoking induced
cardiovascular disease from 1965 to 2014. Cigarette smoking and second-hand
tobacco smoke has been causally linked to cardiovascular diseases.