Se explaination
/Declaring variables
integer currentPrice
integer lastMonthPrice
integer changeLastMonth
float mortagage
//Reading input
currentPrice = Get next input
lastMonthPrice = Get next input
//Calculating price change
changeLastMonth = currentPrice - lastMonthPrice
//Calculating mortagage
mortagage = (currentPrice * 0.051) / 12
//Printing output
Put "This house is $" to output
Put currentPrice to output
Put "\nThe change is $" to output
Put changeLastMonth to output
Put " since last month." to output
Put "\nThe estimated monthly mortgage is $" to output
Put mortagage to output
<span>Black sockets should be used, but the color is not the reason why. Chrome sockets will cause splits to form in the socket walls pretty quickly, after only a few uses. But the black sockets are that color because they have gone through a process called Parkerizing that coats the surface of the socket in order to provide more resistance when being used and protect the socket against corrosion.</span>
The thrust angle is an imaginary line drawn perpendicular to the rear axle's centerline. It compares the direction that the rear axle is aimed with the centerline of the vehicle. It also confirms if the rear axle is parallel to its front axle and that the wheelbase on both sides of the vehicle is the same.
Answer: layout, section, number, more options
Just did it on edge 2020
The correct answers are c. can contain special characters d. is case-sensitive
Variable can be referred to as a container used for storing values such as numeric values, memory addresses, characters, character string so it can be used in any part of the program. Every programming language has rules that you must strictly follow while naming a variable, and some of the rules for naming variable in PHP are A variable name can contain letters, numbers, and characters after the first character and A variable name is case sensitive.