We can factor this as the product of 2 binomials.
Notice that we have a coefficient on our x² term.
This means that we will have to consider different factors of our
constant term as well as the different factors for our x² term.
2x² factors as 2x · x and 3 factors as 3 · 1.
The factors of 2x² will go first and the factors of 3 will go next.
So we have (2x + 3)(x + 1).
Notice however if you switch the order of the factors for 3, in other words think of 3 as 1 · 3, you get a completley different problem.
This gives you (2x + 1)(x + 3).
So one of these two binomials represents our answer.
We can use the F.O.I.L. method to see which one mathces up.
Foiling the second binomial gives is 2x² + 6x + x + 3 or 2x² + 7x + 3.
Since this matche sup with ur original trinomial, it's our answer.