Is plausible that the successive throws are independent
Step-by-step explanation:
1) Table with info given
The observed values are given by the following table
First shot Made Second shot missed Total
Made 152 33 185
Missed 37 8 45
Total 189 41 230
2) Calculations and test
We are interested on check independence and for this we need to conduct a chi square test, the next step would be find the expected value:
Null hypothesis: Independence between two successive free throws
Alternative hypothesis: No Independence between two successive free throws
First shot Made Second shot missed
Made 189(185)/230=152.0217 41(185)/230=32.9783
Missed 189(45)/230=36.9783 41(45)/230=8.0217
On this case all the expected values are higher than 5 and the sample size 230 is enough to apply the chi squared test.
3) Calculate the chi square statistic
The statistic for this case is given by:

Where O represent the observed values and E the expected values. Replacing the values that we got we have this

Now with the calculated value we can find the degrees of freedom
on this case r means the number of rows and c the number of columns.
Now we can calculate the p value

On this case the pvalue is a very large value and that indicates that we can fail to reject the null hypothesis of independence. So is plausible that the successive throws are independent.