During the second millennium BC, the Phoenicians became seafaring merchants...
Phoenicians were, back in the day, quite famous sailors, traveling even beyond the Mediterranean and into the Atlantic. They were influenced by, among other reasons, the desire to trade and the possibility of bringing home silver, gold and tin. Their reputation got them represented in artistic works in other lands, and several nautical inventions are attributed to them.
Functionalism lays more emphasis on societal equilibrium. If something happens to disrupt the order and the flow of the system(as seen for individual farm), society must adjust to achieve a stable state. According to Durkheim, society should be analyzed and described in terms of functions. Society is a system of interrelated parts where no one part can function without the other.
The correct answer is A. True
In sociology, the Functionalist theory or perspective proposes society is a complex system in which structures or institutions guarantee societies can survive over time and there is stability. In terms of institutions, these include family, religion, government, etc. and each of them supports a function in society and are necessary for society to prevail over time, due to this, in the Functionalist theory each action, institution or element in society exists due to a reason or function and just disappear or change according to it. Thus, it is true in the functionalist perspective structures prevail because they are necessary for society to survive.