sorry, I'm not sure
Here's a cool video thooo
In order from top to bottom, fall - fall - rise - rise - fall
more of something - price will fall
less of something - price will rise
introduce her son to multiple stimuli.
Lucy wants her son, Kyle, to have the best environment to help him reach his full potential. According to those who study early experiences and the brain, Lucy should introduce her son to multiple stimuli.
This would allow her son to get acquainted with a variety of environmental stimuli which would in turn increase his understanding and adaptation to different forms of nature and its treats. He can reach his full potential only when he is familiar of most of the things that exist.
Globalization is a huge danger to local cultures because it can rob them of their identify by imposing a fit-for-all culture known all over the world.
Local cultures prosper because they are local and unique, far away from the global influence. Globalization brings people together but it also makes them all look alike because they are exposed to the same influences, in culture, business or politics. Some local tradition may become too old fashioned for many to be still followed and they may disappear, especially if the young people reject them because they don't seem attractive any longer. To prevent local culture, some rituals have to be maintained and pass over to the next generation, globalization jeopardizes this process and some local cultures may become extinct in the end.
A judgement regarding the results or outcomes expected to be achieved from oral treatment provided by the dental hygienist is called: Dental hygiene progonosis.
Taking accound of only oral hygiene and dental care as factors would make any of the options involving oral health worth considering. However, by factoring in diet and heredity as aspects to consider makes reference to an individual's health beyond the oral aspect. Therefore, by considering all four aspects, a child's general health can be determined.
Excellent oral hygiene which helps to maintain healthy dentition, also visiting the dentist often in order to know if there is any defect
Learn more about dental hygiene: