Body moving from one place to another in a vertical plane. Develop bodily control. Walking, running, leaping, jumping, hopping, galloping, sliding, & skipping.
The missing word is Repair.
It is known in medical parlance that if handled correctly, DNA repair can lead to correction of the diseased gene.
The known/major methods for gene repair are:
- repair of base excision
- repair of nucleotide by excision and
- mismatch repair.
Nutritionists some nutritions also claim that certain foods such as strawberries, celery, broccoli, and even lemon can help repair DNA.
Dwarfs: B
Giants: C
Main sequence stars: D
Supergiants: A
Hope this helped
#1: Bias
#2: Fact
#3: Bias
# 4: Bias
#5: Fact
#6: Fact
BIAS: Tomatoes taste better when fish
DNA is inserted into them. Cereal is more
filling when cow DNA is inserted into it.
Testing GMO on rats and cockroaches
is ethically wrong.
FACT: Genes from different species can
be spliced into an organism to produce
desired traits. GMO crops can be
designed to grow in environments where
the natural species can't grow. The genes
from GMO plants can spread to natural
species if they successfully mate.
Hope this helps! :)