1, 0, -30,000, 1/3, pi
Step-by-step explanation:
Natural Numbers, the counting set. N = {1,2,3,...}
1 rock,
a)Whole Numbers set was developed when it was necessary to pick a number for the no quantity. the Zero
Z ≥ 0. There is no official symbol for this Set.
1 rock smashed the barn. My stocked harvest in there turned out to worth $ 0
b)Integers Numbers was developed mainly to tackle financial matters.
Introducing the negative numbers. Z={...-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,...}
1 rock smashed the barn. My stocked harvest in there turned out to worth $ 0. The bank said I owe $ -30,000. -30,000 is an integer but not natural nor whole
c) Rational Numbers. They were developed as a set when fractions appeared. Q ={ ...-5/7.,....0,..1/2,}
1 rock smashed the barn. My stocked harvest in there turned out to worth $ 0. The bank said I owe $ -30,000. My accountant said even if I sold my property all I could earn is 1/4 of my debit. 1/4 is not an Integer, or Whole or Natural one.
d) Irrational Numbers
In this set all numbers that cannot be written as
rational, like 
1 rock smashed the barn. My stocked harvest in there turned out to worth $ 0. The bank said I owe $ -30,000. My accountant said even if I sold my property all I could earn is 1/3 of my debit. I ran for credit in circles after running {\displaystyle \pi }\pi lap around my smashed barn.
e) Real Numbers
This set contains all of these previous sets. But not all Real Numbers are Natural, Whole, Integer, Rational, Irrational numbers.
1 rock smashed the barn. My stocked harvest in there turned out to worth $ 0. The bank said I owe $ -30,000. My accountant said even if I sold my property all I could earn is 1/3 of my debit. I ran for credit in circles after running {\displaystyle \pi }\pi lap around my smashed barn, before I had to say anything my wife said...
"Hey Joe, is there anything wrong? You were murmuring some Real numbers randomly. Can I help you dear?"