The trim video feature allows you to trim your clip by time measurements that are accurate to one-thousandth of a second. An example would be the P<span>owerPoint's </span>Trim Video feature which allows you<span> to </span>trim<span> the beginning and end of </span>your clip<span> by designating </span>your<span> desired Start </span>Time<span> and End </span>Time. These precise time measurements<span> are </span>accurate<span> to </span>one-thousandth<span> of a </span>second<span>.</span>
u have to progrem a math algorithum
The motherboard contains the central electronic components of the computer.
Length of char array: sizeof(arr)
Length of a string object: myString.length()
The sizeof approach is generally not recommended, since this information is lost as soon as you pass the array to a function, because then it becomes a pointer to the first element.