C. 40
The code uses IF and ELSE statements to carry execute a block of code if any of the statements hold true
OrderTotal here is greater than 100, and this allows the second IF ELSE block to be executed.
The code to be executed is discountAmount = OrderTotal * 0.2
This will be discountAmount = 200 *0.2
therefore, discountAmount = 40.
Hey There!
To connect an Xbox controller you click the Xbox logo on the middle of the controller, the button should turn white.
Have A Brainly Day :)
1) True. Customized screens provide an easy way to enter and view data in a table and query called reports.
2) True. New Database can be created using a blank database.
3) False. Queries are used to find specific data.
4) True. When a new database is created, we can find more than one database objects.
5) False. The primary key is to be set unique. As it identifies an entire row in the column.
1) Status Bar = Displays button to change the page views.
2) Hyper Link = A Link to an Internet Resource.
3) Field = Information arranged vertically in a table.
4) Report = Data from a table or query in printed format.
5) Record = Information arranged horizontally in a table.
- Code is in JAVA language. As there is no user input the logic is straightforward.
- Below is the code along with a detailed explanation of the logic.
- The class name is Print main save as file as the main class.
public class Main{
public static void main(String args[]){
/* There are two for loops...
* First for loop runs from i=1 to i=9
* Second for loop runs from j=1 to j=i.
for(int i=1;i<=9;i++){
for(int j=1;j<=i;j++){ // j loop runs from j=1 to j=i
/*Prints I and j next to each other*/
}//for loop of j ends here
}// for loop of I ends here