La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
A pesar de que no anexas opciones o incisos para responder, ni tampoco especificas a qué país te refieres, podemos comentar lo siguiente.
Vamos a poner el caso de México, que es similar a la mayoría de países en Latinoamericana.
Te conviertes en ciudadano cuando llegas a la mayoría de edad, que en este caso es los 18 años cumplidos. En este momento te conviertes en miembro formal de la comunidad porque estás adquiriendo los derechos y las obligaciones que marca la Constitución.
Entre otras, ya eres capaz de decidir por ti mismo, de acuerdo a la ley, ya no eres considerado menor de edad, y ya puedes sacar ti credencia de identidad nacional para poder votar en las elecciones.
The House of Representatives, as the name states, is meant to represent the population of the United States. Therefore, this is only effective if it actually includes most groups in society. This can be achieved if the scale of representation is small and if there is a high turnover.
However, this is not the case nowadays, and this is indeed a problem. A larger scale of representation means people are a lot less likely to be able to voice their opinion to their representatives or influence government in any way. Moreover, the low turnover means that most people cannot hope to become a representative.
The capital of Ukraine which is the city of Kiev is approximately 300 miles southeast of Minsk, Belarus.
The Third Amendment states that soldiers cannot live in citizens' homes without the owners' consent. In today's time, soldiers no longer need shelter so desperately as to ask citizens for quartering room. This amendment was only created because during the American Revolution, British soldiers barged into colonists' homes and stayed there for shelter without the citizens' assent.
Hinduism is the largest religion in Asia with about 1.2 billion followers, mainly in South and Southeast Asia.