White hat hackers use their capabilities to uncover security failings to help safeguard organizations from dangerous hackers. They can sometimes be paid employees or contractors working for companies as security specialists who attempt to find gaps in security.
Where is the attached file?
Ethics in artificial intelligence and robotics are of greater importance today as machine learning or robots are put to use to benefit humans and also ti harm humans.
Ethics in robotics or artificial intelligence in sometimes referred to as "roboethics". It is very necessary in todays time because robots are made to interact with the society, the humans.
This is the key concern for ethics which is based on growing awareness of the requirement to regulate, the advancements in the field of AI in the near future. The future law or regulations should be on the basis of some of the shared values such as privacy, freedom, security, respect for human dignity, non - military, inclusions, etc. Here, the uncertainty is also being recognized, the uncertainty to know the advancements of AI in the near future. Therefore the regulations and ethical dilemmas should be rethought in the middle.
int a[10] = {10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100};
In the above statement, we declare the integer data type array variable that is 'a' then, pass its index value that is 10 which means it contains only 10 values and initialize the components of the array variable that is starting with 10 and end at 100 in the difference of 10. So, the following declaration is correct according to the statement.