We use 0 to represent "off" and 1 to represent "on". Each one of the switches is a bit. A computer is called a "64-bit" computer if its registers are 64-bits long (loosely speaking). Eight switches in a row is a byte.
Procedure SumEvenOdd(stdin: array [0..100] of integer)
i, sum_even, sum_odd: integer;
for i := 0 to 100 do begin
if stdin[i] < 0 then
if stdin[i] mod 2 = 0 then //even number
sum_even := sum_even + stdin[i]
sum_odd := sum_odd + stdin[i];
ShowMessage('sum of even is ' + IntToStr(sum_even) + ' ' + 'sum of odd is' + IntToStr(sum_odd) ) ;
Alan should click on the Clip Art section and then run a search by entering the keyword in the search menu.
A. Clip Art
Alan wants to find an image of a car that he can use in his presentation. It is always a good practice to include pictures and other media like videos, GIFs, and sound effects to make a presentation more engaging and interesting.
In order to include an image, Alan should click on the Clip Art section and then run a search by entering the keyword in the search menu. The clip art allows the user access to the saved images and to the internet for searching the required image.
If you’re looking for an exact answer, we weren’t given any options, but in my personal experience just explain that you appreciated them taking their time out of their day and say that you’re no longer interested in their offer.