He turned into speakme about the wish that was given to slaves while the emancipation proclamation changed into exceeded and for a long time, it did nothing. It came as a joyous daybreak to quit the lengthy night of their captivity." Metaphor: The Emancipation Proclamation is in comparison to a "fantastic beacon light of hope." The injustice of slavery is in comparison to searing flames. The Emancipation Proclamation is compared to a joyous daybreak after a long night.
In many areas of the Andes, farmers, communities, and the Inca state constructed agricultural terraces (andenes) to increase the amount of arable land. Andenes also reduced the threat of freezes, increased exposure to sunlight, controlled erosion, and improved the absorption of water and aeration of the soil.
<h3>The transfer of certain governmental activities to private sector and enterprise would greatly serve the needs of the citizens is believed by both the excerpts and is one of the similarities between them.</h3>
The transfer of certain governmental activities to private sector and enterprise would greatly serve the needs of the citizens is believed by both the excerpts and is one of the similarities between them. This can be seen in the way how Wilson supports privatized agencies that cater to external entities such as politicians. He says that non privatized government agencies “must serve goals not of the organization's own choosing” because catering to citizens can be best catered by private agencies.
Similarly, Edward supports a similar concept like Wilson when he advocates that government should "move activities to the private sector, where they can… be an organic part of society connected to the actual needs of citizens”. Through this statement, he implies that government sector does not effectively provide services to the actual needs of the citizens.
The one contradicting element between these two concepts is that Wilson talks about the transfer of governmental activities to private sector in general and mostly aims on changing the ideas of government agencies, whereas, Edwards reflects his concept in the case of U.S and other countries which have adopted privatization successfully.
The answer is B
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