The correct answer is C:
btOK.setOnAction((ActionEvent e) -> System.out.println("Handle the event"));
The button produces an action once clicked. The setOnAction method indicates what will happen when the button is clicked. Action Event is a type of event that gets processed by EventHandler, which provides the action to be performed by clicking the button (printing out "Handle the event").
B. emotional
An emotional argument. An argument does not always have to be made in words.
Step One - problem/opportunity identification (V)
Step Two - Analysis (III)
Step Three - Design (II)
Step Four - Development (I)
Step Five - Testing and Installation (IV)
In the field of software development, or systems engineering, SDLC which refers to software development cycle refers to a systematic way of building software applications, it shows unique stages with the outcome of each stage dependent on the previous, step has a unique task which range from the planning, analysis, development, testing and installation of the information system.
D. (chart elemments) - correct answer
The correct answer is known as a "query".
When you ask a lot of complex questions , which uses comparison operators, that is called a query. A query refers to the <span>exact request for </span>data retrieval<span> with the use of database and information systems. </span>