The markings on a standard ruler represent the fractions of an inch. The markings on a ruler from the start to the 1″ mark are: 1⁄16“, 1⁄8“, 3⁄16“, 1⁄4“, 5⁄16“, 3⁄8“, 7⁄16“, 1⁄2“, 9⁄16“, 5⁄8“, 11⁄16“, 3⁄4“, 13⁄16“, 7⁄8“, 15⁄16“, and 1”.
a set of instructions that can be run multiple times throughout a program
For example, if I was foong a bar graph about the amounts of what was in different jars, the x-axis would have the items in the jars, and the y-axis woukd have the amount of items in the jars
Free and open-source software makes source code available for use, modification, and redistribution as long as licensing terms are met.
Open-source software is software you can find and use for free.
Answer: (b) and (d)
Shortest job first and Priority are scheduling algorithms that could result in starvation.
The others won't result in starvation