the two limitation i can think about is the efficiency like if there are bugs or glitches or if it can get broken into and the second one is if it is running the correct program or not a lot of people deal with this problem.
Explanation: personally these are the two i can come up with at the moment
If (sales >= 10000)
commission = 0.2;
function is the right answer because function is a block of code designed to perform a particular task
sentence = "hello wow a stores good"
same_letter_count = 0
sentence_list = sentence.split()
for s in sentence_list:
if s[0] == s[-1]:
same_letter_count += 1
*The code is in Python.
Initialize the sentence with a string
Initialize the same_letter_count as 0
Split the sentence using split method and set it to the sentence_list
Create a for loop that iterates through the sentence_list. If the first and last of the letters of a string are same, increment the same_letter_count by 1
When the loop is done, print the same_letter_count