C. Larger compounds break down into two or more smaller compounds.
During a decomposition reaction, the bonds between the atoms break down in the starting substance. The atoms then rearrange to form new bonds, resulting in new substances with properties different from the starting material.
The sulphur would lable the capsule and the phosphorous the nucleic acid.
Hershey and Chase experiment included growing of the pages in two batches, one in presence of 35S and other in presence of 32P. They then infected bacterial cells with these phages, cleaned them and then centrifuge the cells to isolate the marked elements in bacterial cells.
This was done to isolate which part of the phage is actually infective. Sulphur being a part of the proteins will mark the capsule whereas DNA having the phosphate bridges will be marked by 32P.
Mountain slopes have faster erosion because it is easier for fast moving bodies of water to carry down eroded material downhill, rather than across flat land.
a figure is need to be attached by this question because its not understandable hope you understood
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