Mass of 1 mole of copper is 63.83 g.
0.03916 moles of copper atoms have a mass equal to the 2.5 grams of copper penny.
Mass of 1 copper atom,m = 

Mass of 1 mole of copper :
Mass of 1 mole of copper = 63.83 g
Mass of copper penny = 2.5 g
Atomic mass of copper = 63.83 g/mol
Moles of copper in 2.5 g of copper penny:

0.03916 moles of copper atoms have a mass equal to the 2.5 grams of copper penny.
Hydrogen spectrum
Balmer series - Observed in the visible region
Brackett series - Observed in the infrared region
Paschen series - Observed in the infrared region
Lyman series - Observe in the Ultraviolet region.
kinetic energy
Thermal Energy, Temperature, and Heat. Thermal energy is kinetic energy associated with the random motion of atoms and molecules.
It is a eukaryotic cell because prokaryotes don't have a nucleus, rather, they have a nucleoid.
B. Gravity held the pieces of forming planets together.
c. Gravity pulled most of the matter into the center of the solar system
D. Gravity caused the planets and Sun to have spherical shapes.
When a collection of grains pulled together by their gravitational forces would keep in by the gravity of a star, it would eventually became bigger to the point a planet was formed.
The sun's strong gravitational force pulled most of the matter around it to the center of the solar system.
The spherical shape of planets is a result of their gravity pulling equally from all sides, shaping it into a sphere.