structural independence is when its possible to make changes in the file structure without affecting the application program’s ability to access the data. A file system exhibits structural dependence, which means that access to a file is dependent on its structure. Have a nice day.
The answer is, "Just noticeable differences."
Weber's law was named after Ernst Weber, a German psychologist. The law postulates that the strength and intensity needed to identify changes in a stimulant correlates to the magnitude of the stimulant. In other words, the more severe a stimulus is, a greater change needs to be made for it to be noticed.
We have come to a certain time in which most of what we do are basically based on what we see, hear, and observe from other through the social media, the mass media, and other influential groups. I admit, I am one of those easily influenced by the mentioned media. However, it is really up to us to stand firm on our beliefs and never waver even in times when our principles are put to test.
Four cases that support affirmative action are Swann v
Charlotte-Mecklenberg County Schools, Brown v Board of Education, Grutter v
Baller, and United Steelworkers of America v Weber. Meanwhile four cases that
oppose affirmative action are Regents of the University of California v. Bakke,
Adarand Constructors v. Pena, Gutter vs. Bollinger, and Parenting involved in
community schools v Seattle school district.