Surface area to volume ratio decreases.
When the cell enlarges beyond its capacity, it fails to supply enough material that can cross the membrane sooner so as to occupy the cellular volume. Hence the diffusion rate also decreases so as the ratio. The cell carry out its various functions to sustain through diffusion when diffusion rate is low it will ultimately affect the ratio. Bigger size affects the diffusion of the material to the out of the cell. as we know the diffusion occurs across the surface of the cell.
Matter makes up everything.
The humerus-
A long bone of the upper forelimb. It articulates proximally with the scapula to form the soulder joint and distally with the radius and ulna to form the elbow joint.
<span>Proximally the humerus has a rounded projection known as the head. </span>
Cranially at the lateral aspect of the head is a large prominence- the greater tubercle. The lesser tubercle lies medially. Both tubercles act as a sight for muscle attachment. At the distal end of the humerus is a condyle which articulates with the radius & ulna & forms part of the elbow.
The diaphysis of the humerus is twisted.
<span>In the dog a supra condylar foramen is present- a large hole in the condyle.
The Femur-This is the thigh bone and is the largest bone in the body, it is a long bone and is similar in structure to the humerus in that it has a head, neck, shaft & lateral & medial condyles. The femoral head articulates with the acetabulum proximally to form the hip joint, lateral to the head is the greater trochanter and on the medialTh side is a lesser trochanter (for muscle attachment). At the distal end of the femur are 2 condyles that articulate with the tibia to form the stifle joint. Between the 2 condyles is the trochlear groove along which the patella can move.
Here is some information. Hope this helps ☺
you answered your own question??? what
A and C
A. because when we humans are burning maybe our refuse or garbage it will go up to the ozone layer causing air and then it will then result to carbon dioxide.