Plant Kingdom to species is 24,000 or more species are broken up into three groups/division: Mosses, Liverworts, and Hornworts.
en los seres humanos se desarrollan en el útero
Dogs are wonderful human companions. They are the first species that humans domesticated and they have a long history of close relationships with people.
If you spend any time with dogs (I have two wonderful adopted dogs who shower me with affection and fur), then you see first-hand the many ways that dogs can respond to their owners. A dog may treat a stranger with suspicion, but dances with joy when its owner returns. Indeed, when one of our grown children returns after a long absence, the dogs respond with excitement.
The hormone oxytocin aids the birth process by stimulating: uterine wall contractions.
Oxytocin is a hormone that is released naturally in the body of women and that intervenes in certain physiological processes, activating behaviors at a mechanical level in specific organs such as the uterus and the breasts. In the case of the uterus, oxytocin stimulates and maintains the contraction of the smooth muscle of the uterus during labor and delivery, that is, it is responsible for the existence of contractions, which occur during intercourse, due to the distension of the uterus that occurs produced during labor.