Eclectic therapist
Eclectic therapist -
In this case , the person uses various therapeutic principles and philosophies to make a perfect treatment according to the needs of the client , is referred to as a Eclectic therapist .
This method is considered one of the most effective method of treatment , as it is different for different clients , and is totally patient dependent .
Hence, from the question, Dr. Schwinn's therapeutic approach is best described as an Eclectic therapist .
Answer: b. Combine physical contact with verbal praise
This is the best option of the options listed. Combining physical contact with verbal praise can have the effect of augmenting the verbal praise and giving it more power so to speak. For example, saying congratulations and then shaking a person's hand can really increase the weight of the congratulatory remark.
Using this method instead of the other options will help avoid confusion in the child as well as reduce the chance of the praise becoming meaningless as it was said one too many times.
The answer is Political rights
right to change their government with out violence, and citizens exercised this right in practice through cyclical, free, and fair elections.
Answer: calm down; very high arousal can affect her performance
Arousal is necessary in sports to achieve optimum performance. A high level of arousal is very good, but it goes with risk as the individual is bound to fail by silly mistake or ever excitement when they can't handle the moments. In most cases, it is advised that the athlete take a calm measure as very high arousal can affect their performance and all they have worked over a period of time.
Autonomic nervous system
The autonomic nervous system is the part of the nervous system that is responsible for involuntary actions in our bodies. Involuntary actions or functions are those functions in our bodies that are performed without our being conscious about it. For example, heartbeat, flowing of blood, digestion, etc.
<u>In the given case, when Stacey experienced fight-or-flight her sympathetic branch was activated due to the autonomic nervous system as her heartbeat started pumping faster and her blood pressure surged</u>.