0.1% of energy
Energy flow: From the whole quantity of energy that reaches the earth's surface, autotroph organisms or producers absorb only 0.1 or 1%.
From the input of solar energy begins a unidirectional energy flow through all the organisms in the ecosystem, from autotrophs to heterotrophs, until it is dissipated in the environment.
At each trophic level occurs an energy transfer to the next, with only 10% being usable in each of them. This assessment is called "The 10% rule". As a general rule, only about 10% of the energy stored as biomass at one trophic level, per unit time, ends up as biomass at the next trophic level, in the same unit of time.
If wheat transferred 10% of the energy to mice, and of that 10% mice transferred 10% of the energy to hawk, then the percentage of energy transferred from the first trophic level to the third equals 0.1%.
10% (1st TL-2nd TL) / 10% (2nd TL - 3rd TL) = 0.1% (1stTL - 3rd TL)
<em>TL = Trophic level </em>
Hmmm I think it’s 1 cycles per second
Immediately, the pathogen has been recognized:
Macrophages acts as the first line of defence by engulfing pathogens identified by antigens which will now present the antibody shape to a helper T cell.
The Helper T cells produce a signal to plasma and Memory B cells to yield antibodies that attach to the antigens. The cytotoxic cells that leads to cell death are activated by the helper T cells.
Antibodies helps to immobilize pathogen for macrophage to feed on.
if the pathogen comes back a 2nd time the memory cells helps in quick and efficient recovery by producing the specific B and T cells for the antigen.