The first step to solving this is converting these mixed numbers into improper fractions. You would do that by multiplying the denominator by the whole number and adding the numerator to that number; this number replaces the numerator. It would look something like this:
1 8/10 --> 18/10
2 2/5 --> 12/5
Now, to subtract the second fraction from the first one, the denominators of both fractions must be the same. We can make them the same by multiplying the second fraction by 2:
12/5 * 2/2 = 24/10
Now we can set up the equation as:
18/10 - 24/10 = -6/10 --> -3/5
The answer is negative 3/5.
I hope this helps.
In the default window of a graphing calculator, there is only one intersection that you see.
However, if you zoom out, you will see that they are 3 intersections to the pair of equations.
half a sphere is called a hemisphere
72 cubic units
Step-by-step explanation:
6*4*3 = 72
Hope this helps.