Structure and support ,storage area for the nutrients ,and also having a place where waste matter can decompose
about 5 billion years ago
Our solar system formed about 5 billion years a go from a dense cloud of interstellar gas and dust.
The seeds she planted in the mud grew quicker because the mud is holding nutrition for the corn. The soil is a good guess to make, but the mud is more dense and moist. The water wouldn't have had more nutrients than the mud, just because the mud holds breakdown matter and other things from other plants.
plz help you get the right advice and 8g and I will have a lot to say on likee day to get your own advice from nisha to the point that can be a great deal to the family to the other you
5AM and 8g and the environment secretary David blunkett will come under pressure from MPs over a animal that is a threat and English is
So they all got LEU, SER
Three first got GLU at the sam place
The one least related must be organism number 4.
Hope that helped.