A gamma-ray, or gamma radiation, is a penetrating form of electromagnetic radiation arising from the radioactive decay of atomic nuclei. It consists of the shortest wavelength electromagnetic waves and so imparts the highest photon energy. Paul Villard, a French chemist, and physicist discovered gamma radiation in 1900 while studying radiation emitted by radium. In 1903, Ernest Rutherford named this radiation gamma rays based on their relatively strong penetration of matter; in 1900 he had already named two less penetrating types of decay radiation alpha rays and beta rays in ascending order of penetrating power.
Explanation: hope this helps :)
Storing the food helps them to use it in winter and survive because there is very little sunlight available and so they photosynthesis less. When they have extra food they store it in their seeds and when the seed grows it gets it's food from the plant until the plant is able to photosynthesis and produce its food.
Scientist wanted to heat up DNA replication to make the reaction go faster. B
Amber is the fossilized resin from ancient forests. Amber is not produced from tree sap, but rather from plant resin. This aromatic resin can drip from and ooze down trees, as well as fill internal fissures, trapping debris such as seeds, leaves, feathers and insects.
ATP is Adenosine Triphosphate. ATP consists of an adenosine molecule bonded to 3 phosphate groups in a row. This occurs when a molecule of adenosine diphosphate ( ADP ) uses the energy released during cellular respiration bond with a 3rd phosphate group, becoming a molecule of ATP