This number is natural, whole, integer, and rational.
Whole numbers are numbers such as 0, 1, 2, ... This is a whole number.
Natural numbers can also be counting numbers. They are the whole numbers, but starting at 1, not 0. This is a natural number.
Integers are whole numbers with negatives. This is an integer.
Rational numbers are any numbers that can be written as a fraction. We can write this as 4563/1, so it is rational.
A flyer is spread by people at a large conference. Within one hour, the first person gives a stack of - Find an answer to your question A flyer is spread by people at a large conference. Within one hour, the first person gives a stack of flyers to six people. there you go buuuuuudy
Step-by-step explanation:
In romania I was doing this in the 6th grade