1. do not give out your age
2. don't use your real name unless you are supervised
3.dont put all your information out there
Filtering procedure provides an essay and convenient way to visualize or work only with the data we desire without needing to delete those we do not need at that moment.
Filter allows you to view only the information you want to see. Only the required information is displayed at that moment once the filter criteria has been checked.
Filter temporarily hides rows of data that you do not need to view. Rows of data which aren't needed at the moment are temporarily hidden in other to allow user concentrate on the needed data.
Filter allows you to filter text and numeric data. Filtering allows for different filtering criteria, if the user requires working or viewing only on text or numeric data, it is possible with spreadsheet filter.
Filter allows you to view only the information you want to see.
Filter temporarily hides rows of data that you do not need to view
Filter allows you to filter text and numeric data.
The AUTO FORMATTING ONLY is an auto fill option that fills the destination area using the format of the source area; no content is filled. This is opposite from auto without formatting on which it fills the destination area without formatting.
The trigger code is given below
create trigger F1_Del
after delete on Friend
for each row
when exists (select * from Friend
where ID1 = Old.ID2 and ID2 = Old.ID1)
delete from Friend
where (ID1 = Old.ID2 and ID2 = Old.ID1);
create trigger F1_Insert
after insert on Friend
for each row
when not exists (select * from Friend
where ID1 = New.ID2 and ID2 = New.ID1)
insert into Friend values (New.ID2, New.ID1);
The answer would be A: wireframe, im pretty sure...
Hope this helped!! :)