That is encryption. Encrypted files usually have a password assigned. In order to decrypt the file, you need to have the password.
Czarnowski and Triantafyllou learned that boat propellers are not very efficient, except penguin propulsion systems.
I. is syntactically correct if genderString exists. if genderString, for example, is "Male", then char gender would be the character at index 0 (the first character), meaning 'M'.
II. is incorrect. It is using the comparison operator (==) instead of the assignment operator (=). It is also setting a boolean variable to a String value of 'F'. Boolean values cannot hold string values, and can only hold true & false.
III. is correct if ageString only contains numbers (presumably, it does, as it's called ageString). Integer.parseInt is a function that converts String values to integer values if the string values only contain numerical characters.
The answer in this case should be B. II only.
solution attached.
Also, the tetha time complexity of T_upper would be