var count =0; <em>//initialize count.</em>
var sevens =0 ; <em>//initialize sevens.</em>
while(count<100) <em>// loops while count is minor than 100. *counts never add 1 at the final of the loop, so this while is always true. </em>
<em>//Math.floor(x) round to the max Integer a number. Example : 45.90 -> 46.</em>
<em>//Math.random() returns a number between [0, 1).</em>
var roll1 = Math.floor(Math.random()*6+1); <em>//Gets a integer using Math.random(), adds 1, and round it withMath.floor() then saves in roll1.</em>
var roll2 = Math.floor(Math.random()*6+1); <em>//Gets a integer using Math.random(), adds 1, and round it withMath.floor() then saves in roll2.</em>
if(roll1 + roll2 == 7)
<em> //If the sum of roll1 and roll2 is 7 adds 1 to sevens.</em>
sevens = sevens +1;
<em>//*count is not incremented, so while(count<100) -> always true.</em>