Chloroplasts could be found in blue-green algae
The correct answer is:
<h3>B. bladder </h3><h3>Explanation;</h3>
Urine is collected and discharged, from the body, from the bladder through the urethra. The bladder is a portion of the excretory system capable of holding liquids and eliminating excess fluids in the body. It may include salt, sugar, and other forms of materials that are not required by the body. This organ stretches and shrinks based on the amount of fluid that a person has taken into the body. It can increase in size when fluid is not discharged the second the thought of urine transfers your system.
Radio waves from smartphones may be carcinogenic - Mobile phones and their towers generate radio waves. Several studies have suggested that though low frequency radio waves aren’t harmful to humans, but over exposure to them may lead to tumours in the body.
Smartphones cause anxiety, increased stress - Cancer aside, smartphones cause a variety of health issues. They have been found to increase anxiety and mental stress in teens. Mobile radiations may also cause learning disabilities and lowered IQ in infants, according to some reports.
1: seniors in high school because that is when everyone is wanting to be the most popular.
2: ????